Memorial Book for Laurie Weinroth

Gary Friedman April 26, 2024 11:37 AM
I have not seen Laurie in ages since the days of Roberta Drive where we all played sports on the street and at the park. I know things have not been easy for you. I also remember Chuck as well as Fred Simon. Things were so much easier then. My condolences to the family. Rest in peace my old friend Laurie.

Bill McBirnie April 19, 2024 04:57 PM
It was always a genuine pleasure to play for Laurie at his home. He was such a very informed and genuinely appreciate listener. And I feel fortunate to have know such a classy and enormously friendly man. ...I simply will NOT forget him!... And I am so sorry for his family and friends. With my sincere condolences, Bill McBirnie

David & Sheryl Rubenstein April 10, 2024 12:24 AM
Dear Vera and Weinroth Family, We are deeply sad to know that Laurie is gone- and we send heartfelt condolences to you all. We will miss and always remember his love, kindness and compassion for others, his whacky sense of humour, his joy of music, his keen intelligence and his strong sense of justice. A fine human being. A unique individual. Rest in peace Laurie.

Dionne April 06, 2024 01:04 AM
Dearest Laurie, I am sad that you had to leave. I miss you everyday. My day to day life will be so different without you. God placed you in my life for many reasons and the greatest reasons I feel are because you treated me as if I was your own. You displayed kindness, understanding, strength, encouragement and so much more! I admired your determination, perseverance, loyalty, sense of humor, your love for justice and of course music! Your passion and love that you had for your children and Vera was unwavering. I will miss the laughter that we had everyday! Gone too soon Sir. Like a rainbow fading in the twinkling of an eye, gone too soon. Like a comet blazing cross the evening sky, gone too soon. Thank you for being you, my family and I do miss you more than you know. God bless you my friend.

High school friend April 04, 2024 09:02 PM
I was a friend of Laurie''s during high school and wanted to echo the sentiments below about his tremendous and ever-present good nature. He didn''t have a mean bone in him. Travel well, Laurie.

Stanley Gordon April 04, 2024 04:41 PM
Rena and I were very sad to learn of the passing of Laurie.Our condolences to the entire Weinroth extended family. We both have pleasant memories of Laurie. I particularly remember his jovial attitude to life and his sense of humour. He always liked to mix in some yidishkeit with his humorous antidotes. I remember playing ball hockey on Roberta Avenue and in later times enjoying a game of pool or billiards at a local establishment. He was a true mensch and will be missed. May his children, wife and siblings gain comfort by their wonderful memories of Laurie.Rest in peace.

Randy Podell April 04, 2024 03:45 AM
He was my good friend for many years and was always there for you whenever needed. He had a quick wit and a heart of gold and overcame many challenges with grit and or his wicked sense of humor or a good yiddisha quip. I can honestly say the world we occupy and lives we live has been enhanced by his presence here and likely diminished by his departure. I will miss him dearly but remember him always with a smile. Zay gezunt my friend, May you rest in peace. Fondly,

Robert Schwartz April 03, 2024 10:44 PM
I met Laurie some 30 years ago at an Immigration and Refugee Board hearing. He was the Refugee Hearing Officer, representing the government; I was acting for a refugee claimant, whose narrative was, shall we say, a bit challenged. This included, among other things, whether his name was “Jack” or some other. Laurie impressed me right away with his intelligence, extreme wit, but mostly his humanity. We stayed in touch over the years and I had a real fondness for him. Up until our last call about a week ago, he continued to call me Jack and we laughed about that initial meeting. He was a special and unique guy and I’ll remember him with a smile and a tear. Vera, I send you all good things, knowing that Laurie’s memory will surely be for a blessing. Robert

Debby and Len Silverberg April 03, 2024 01:51 PM
Rest in peace. We wish strength to Vera and family

Peter Telford April 03, 2024 12:57 PM
I only knew Laurie for a few years but he became a good friend. He was always compassionate and helpful and managed to find humour even through adversity. He was a unique and talented individual, I will miss him. I am very sorry for your loss. Sincerely, Peter

Jill Pomerantz April 03, 2024 12:18 PM
My sincere condolences and Shauna''s sincere condolences on Laurie''s passing